Thursday, March 7, 2013

August 11 - Day 2 of the Climb

Holy (expletive).  2nd day on the mountain.  Tired, dirty and either hot or cold.  Yesterday went well.  Long day of hiking but not too steep.  Met an Aussie named Graham and we led the way.  First camp was good but very cold as soon as the sun went down.  Didn't sleep much that night.  Warm enough but Diamox made me pee like a race horse.

My Aussie climbing buddy Graham and an airline pilot from South Africa

Food is different but appreciated.  Hot soup every meal.

Day 2 was exhausting.  HUGE vertical with very few breaks.  Like doing Grouse Mountain 3 times.  Thought I might be toast but the guide took some of my stuff from my pack and let me set the pace for the group.  Plus, more gradual slope then.  Felt much better when we got to camp and even better after lunch.  Dust is blowing everywhere so I am filthy and my eyes sting.  This is going to be tough.  Sore throat - cold symptoms.  Poly Poly... one challenge at a time.

The view back down on the 2nd day.  Already above the clouds

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